Bioremediation of 1,4-Dioxane Pollution in Ann Arbor Groundwater

130% of $500 goal
This campaign ended on December 03, 2024, but you can still make a gift to University of Michigan by clicking here!

Who are we?

We are the Michigan Synthetic Biology Team (MSBT), a student-led research team that designs and executes a synthetic biology research project every year that targets a problem in our local, regional, or even global community. In the fall, representatives of our team travel to Paris to present our research at the iGEM competition alongside hundreds of other undergraduate, postgraduate, and even high school teams. 

This year's project

There is currently an unsafe level of the carcinogen 1,4-dioxane in our very own Ann Arbor groundwater, and it poses a great threat to the Ann Arbor community and environment. This year, our team engineered a bacterium capable of breaking down this pollutant, and sought to use it to design a bioreactor that could be implemented in the Ann Arbor water treatment cycle.

How your donations help

MSBT is entirely funded by grants and donations from the University, other organizations, and the community, and we believe in giving all of our members an equitable opportunity to engage in the entire research process. Your donations directly support our team's research projects and help us target issues relevant to our communities. Moreover, your support helps our members improve as students and scientists.

Donor Affiliations
Parent icon42%Parents
Gradhat icon34%Alumni
Suitcase icon17%Faculty/Staff
Book icon9%Students
Most Recent Donors
Bin Chen & Myra Beaudoin Bertrand
Bin Chen & Myra Beaudoin Bertrand
Erika & Jamie Groves
Erika & Jamie Groves
Heidi Van Wieren & John Byrn
Heidi Van Wieren & John Byrn
Qiang Lin & Yuqing Wu & Yuqing Wu
Qiang Lin & Yuqing Wu & Yuqing Wu
Joe Lombardo
Joe Lombardo
Amir Baghdadchi
Amir Baghdadchi
Sarah Katz
Sarah Katz



Offered a $50,000 match


Gave $40,000 during a Challenge!

Anya Cobler

Generated 5 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $25,000

Community Advocates

Generated 1554 clicks and 199 gifts, totaling $16,178

Joan Harris and Edward Sarath

Offered a $10,000 match

Jonathan Li

Generated 366 clicks and 76 gifts, totaling $8,525


Offered a $7,500 match

Joyce Chan Russell

Offered a $5,000 match

Cyrus Hopkins

Offered a $5,000 match


Offered a $5,000 match
View All Advocates