Students in the Educator Prep Program at U-M are required to student teach in classrooms all around Michigan as part of their training. The travel cost associated with these classroom-based field experiences often falls on the shoulders of these students. This experience is CRITICAL as we know that well-prepared teachers will have a positive impact on students, communities, and the world in which we live. With your help, student teachers can do this important work without this financial burden.
We are passionate about this fund because we do not want cost to be a barrier to students who wish to teach in specific areas. Teachers are in high demand in the state of Michigan (and the entire country) and we want to encourage U-M students to go into this field and not discourage them with additional barriers, financial or otherwise. As our Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Educator Preparation Kendra Hearn says: “Teaching is complex, worthwhile, and essential work—the kind of work well-suited for leaders and best.”
Additional context: For those who teach in Detroit, this means commuting 75 miles or more a day (Monday - Friday) from the Marsal School, which translates to ~ $1,100 for a 15-week teaching semester. For many students who wish to student teach in Detroit, these transportation costs are prohibitive
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