Arts Chorale: Help create a scholarship fund for singers!

165% of $200 goal
This campaign ended on December 03, 2024, but you can still make a gift to University of Michigan by clicking here!

Arts Chorale is one of the only non-auditioned choirs at the University of Michigan, providing the opportunity for any student to sing in a choir. For Giving Tuesday, we are raising money for our scholarship fund, which allows students who cannot afford our semesterly dues to participate in Arts Chorale. Our choir is a community; we are the only choir on campus primarily composed of non-music major students, making our singers especially passionate about making music together in their little free time from being busy students. It is important to us that money is not a barrier for students to join our community and create beautiful music!

Dues for each student are $30 dollars. While the number varies, approximately 10 or more students are unable to cover this expense. With the cost of living increasing, we have also seen an upward trend in this number. Dues cover numerous expenses, but the biggest is putting on our concert every semester. For a student organization, the concert can be very expensive to put on, including paying instrumentalists, advertising for the event, continuing Arts Chorale traditions of honoring our director, collaborative pianist, and graduating members, as well as our post-concert banquet. Arts Chorale is an environment where students have the opportunity to make new friends, learn about choral singing and history, as well as work as a team toward a common goal of putting on the best concert we can. We would never let scholarship utilization prevent participation in Arts Chorale, but our current budget model is non sustainable. We thank you for your consideration and generosity in helping Arts Chorale support all of those who wish to sing.

Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon50%Alumni
Suitcase icon13%Faculty/Staff
Parent icon13%Parents
Book icon13%Students
Most Recent Donors
Wayne Flowers & Wayne Flowers
Wayne Flowers & Wayne Flowers
Peter Drogaris
Peter Drogaris



Offered a $50,000 match


Gave $40,000 during a Challenge!

Anya Cobler

Generated 5 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $25,000

Community Advocates

Generated 1554 clicks and 199 gifts, totaling $16,178

Joan Harris and Edward Sarath

Offered a $10,000 match

Jonathan Li

Generated 366 clicks and 76 gifts, totaling $8,525


Offered a $7,500 match

Joyce Chan Russell

Offered a $5,000 match

Cyrus Hopkins

Offered a $5,000 match


Offered a $5,000 match
View All Advocates